Saturday 24 January 2009

Two Singapore Slings Please!

Well we finally made it! After a 12.5 hour flight with Singapore airlines we finally staggered out into 31*C in Singapore. Actually the flight wasn't too bad...the food was good....leg-room better than most...but still felt like sardines and got little sleep. We got booked into the hotel at 4 pm (0800hrs UK time) and after a quick freshener we set out to explore the city. We decided to walk to Raffels, about an hour along Orchard Road (Singapore's equivalent of Oxford Street but more modern) and arrived dripping and ready for our first Singapore Slings in the Long Bar where they were originally created. As the saying goes: 'if you've not been to Raffles, you've not been to Singapore'. The Sling is a rather nice cocktail and only cost around £15 each in Raffles (ho hum). We decide one was enough (one each that is as you can see in the pic!) and, suitably rested, set off for some sea-food at the Quays (resisting the temptation to take a rickshaw). Dinner by the river, some lovely king prawns cooked Malaysian style and sea-food rice finished us off. Too tired to do anything else we took a taxi back to the hotel. Early night then tonight. Tomorrow we will probably have a dip in the hotel pool then set off to the famous botanical gardens. To-morrow night is the Chinese New Year's Eve so we reckon all the action will be in Chinatown where we'll head for dinner.
Well a good first day for us. Hope its not too cold back in the UK :)
Have fun and take care. Love from us both. D&A.

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